martes, 22 de mayo de 2012

Science Oral Exposition

Hello students!
I would like to remind you some points about your final Science Exposition next week. 

*Don't forget tomorrow is your deadline to send your complete Power Point Presentation by email to

*Remember you CAN'T READ during your exposition. So practice hard at home, but more important than memorize a speech, clearly understand what you are going to tell the group about your research, this way you will be able to expose it in a relax, confident, and interesting way. 

*Read the evaluation rubric carefully and consider all the aspects that are going to be evaluated; your voice volume, eye contact with your audience, everything is important.

*Expositions will be held next Monday 28, Tuesday 29, and Wednesday 30.



jueves, 17 de mayo de 2012

Oral Exposition Rubric

The rubric below shows you the aspects that will be considered to evaluate your performance on your Science Oral Exposition.
Please read the rubric carefully.


Holds attention of entire audience with the use of direct eye contact, seldom looking at notes.
Consistent use of direct eye contact with audience, but still returns to notes.
Displayed minimal eye contact with audience, while reading mostly from the notes.
No eye contact with audience, as entire re read from notes.
Movements seem fluid and help the audience visualize.
Made movements or gestures that enhances articulation.
Very little movement or descriptive gestures.
No movement or descriptive
Student displays relaxed, self-confident nature about self, with no mistakes.
Makes minor mistakes, but
quickly recovers from them; displays little or no tension.
Displays mild tension; has
trouble recovering from mistakes.
Tension and nervousness is
obvious; has trouble
recovering from mistakes.

Demonstrates a strong, positive feeling about topic
during entire presentation.
Occasionally shows positive feelings about topic.
Shows some negativity toward topic presented.
Shows absolutely no interest in the topic presented.
Student uses a clear voice and correct, precise pronunciation of terms so that all audience members
can hear presentation.
Student’s voice is clear.  Student pronounces most
words correctly.  Most audience members can hear
Student’s voice is low. Student incorrectly
pronounces terms.  Audience members have difficulty
hearing presentation.
Student mumbles, incorrectly pronounces terms, and speaks too quietly for a
majority of students to hear.

Student demonstrates full
knowledge by answering all
class questions with
explanations and elaboration.
Student is at ease with expected answers to all questions, without
Student is uncomfortable
with information and is able
to answer only rudimentary
Student does not have grasp
of information; student
cannot answer questions
about subject
Student presents information
in logical, interesting sequence which audience can follow.
Student presents information
in logical sequence which
audience can follow.
Audience has difficulty
following presentation
because student jumps around.
Audience cannot understand
presentation because there is
no sequence of information.
Presentation has no misspellings or grammatical errors.
Presentation has no more than two misspellings and/or
grammatical errors.
Presentation has three misspellings and/or
grammatical errors.
Student’s presentation has
four or more spelling and/or
grammatical errors.

viernes, 11 de mayo de 2012

Science Oral Exposition

Hello Parents and Students!
As you know this school year is about to come to an end.
This bimester, Science is going to be evaluated differently.
*Students are required to make a research and prepare an oral exposition about a specific topic. 
*Students already know which topic they have been assigned.
*Students MUST send an email to this addres: no later than Wednesday, May 16th, indicating at least two sources of information they consulted to make the research.  (Internet is full of useful content to prepare your exposition, you may also consult books or magazines related to your topic).
*Students HAVE TO prepare an atractive, organized and colorful Power Point Presentation to show to their classmates their research. Slides or diapositives of your PPP must not be full of text. Students are not allowed to read during their expositions. Try to used just a picture and include one or two sentences about the picture for each slide. Your research must be explained on your own words.
*No later than Wednesday May, 23rd students MUST send their complete Power Point Presentation to this address: 
*Science Oral Expositions will be held on May 28th, May 29th, and May 30th.
-The chart below shows you the aspects you need to consider at the moment to make your reasearch and presentation:

Human Body 
Student must cover these aspects in the exposition.
The Digestive System
·         Mention the organs that made up the digestive system (show a picture of the digestive system and point where the organs are)
·         Give a short explanation of the main organs
·         Clearly explain how is food digested (where digestion starts and where it ends.)
·         Mention how long does it take for food to go through the digestive system.
·         How to take care of the digestive system.

The Circulatory System
·         Mention the organs that made up the circulatory system (show a picture of the circulatory system and point where the organs are.)
·         Give a short explanation of the main organs.
·         Clearly explain how the circulatory system works.
·         Mention some interesting facts about blood.
·         How to take care of the circulatory system.

The Nervous System
·         Mention the organs that made up the nervous system (show a picture of the nervous system and point where the organs are.)
·         Give a short explanation of the main organs
·         Clearly explain how the nervous system works.
·         Mention some interesting facts about the brain.

The Respiratory System
·         Mention the organs that made up the respiratory system (show a picture of the respiratory system and point where the organs are.)
·         Give a short explanation of the main organs.
·         Clearly explain how the respiratory system works.
·         Mention some interesting facts about the heart.
·         How to take care of the respiratory system.
·         Mention what causes hiccups.
·         Mention why you sneeze.

The Muscular System
·         Mention the organs that made up the muscular system (show a picture of the muscular system and point where the organs are.)
·         Give a short explanation of the main organs.
·         Clearly explain how the muscular system works.
·         Explain what a joint is.
·         Mention some interesting facts about muscles.
·         How to take care of the muscular system.
Water and Space

Student must cover these aspects in the exposition.
The Solar System
·         What’s the solar system and what’s in it?
·         Besides planets, what other things are there in the space?
·         What’s the Milky Way?
·         What is the difference between planet and dwarf planet?
·         Interesting facts about the planets in the solar system.
·         Describe the water cycle.
·         How does the rain form?
·         Where does water go after raining?
·         Other forms of precipitation besides rain.
·         How do hurricanes form? 

miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2012